Here are my surprises:
- I'm old and to prove it I was totally digging Halt not Will, but in my defense I probably would have dug Halt as a teenager.
- I bawled like a baby at the end and the emotional scene between Will and Halt when Will finds out about his father.
- Definitely don't judge a book by it's cover - this cover is dark and unappealing!(don't you think?)
- I just checked out book 2 and hope that I enjoy the rest of the series as much and I'm wondering if I'll cry again.
- I can't wait to meet the author on November 8th - how cool!!!
- I liked a fantasy book other than Harry Potter.
As you might guess from the title of my post, I started with the author whom I previously read. I've never read this book before, but I've read this book before - it's the same setting, character voice and descriptions as the previous novel, which I loved. In the past, I would have gone through all of the author's books even if it was the same, but now I don't have time for that. I'm annoyed to be honest, do I continue on or drop it. What would you do?
For right now I think I'll start with the other book and then go back to this one. Do you think published authors care? My husband does, but he isn't published yet.
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