Monday, November 7, 2011

Books That Demand Discussion

Have you ever read a book and as soon as you finish, you immediately start asking people if they have read it?  The reason you ask is simply that you can't believe the end and you need to talk it over with someone at once!

I just finished reading The Blind Contessa's New Machine by Carey Wallace and if you have read it, please let's discuss!  I'm so surprised and almost unfulfilled by the ending that I want someone else to 'talk' me through it.  Read my review on Goodreads if you would like some more information.

Here are some other books that I demanded discussion once I finished or even as I was reading them:

So which books have you read that DEMAND discussion?  I'm curious and maybe we can start discussing them, particularly if you've recently read The Blind Contessa's New Machine.


  1. I will totally read that when I'm done with these Ranger Apprentice books, I'll pick it up at the library tonight!

  2. I hate unfulfilling endings :(
